There are physical benefits to yoga asana practice: strength, stamina, slim/athletic appearance etc. But these are side-effects to achieving inner peace..

The Collins and Barth
School of Yoga
Teacher Training Course

Yoga for you

"First you learn yoga, then you teach yoga, finally you live yoga"
Swami Satyananda

If you have a passion for yoga then maybe you have started to teach friends and family what you already know. Our yoga teacher training course is a great way to delve deeper into yoga's ancient wisdom whilst keeping up with latest discoveries in anatomy AND studying with a great bunch of like minded people!

Yoga Teacher Training

"I am learning, and I am unlearning....both are equally challenging and each helps the other....within both there is opportunity and potential....there is also discomfort and vulnerability.....
It's like the wave of movement that you experience in the Yoga Cat moment in your front surface spine, the next in your back surface spine...oscillation......the waves of energy flowing....
Learning and unlearning, what a great combination".....Anon

Complementary Skills

I'm exceptionally fortunate to have teamed up with a great friend who happens to be one of the best yoga teachers I have ever met. Jane Collins' skill set is superb. An expert in postural alignment, children's yoga, pregnancy yoga and so much more. Our professional collaboration produces a course that goes so far above and beyond a normal 200hr Yoga teacher training course!

Collins and Barth
A safe quad of hands!

We are proud to produce high quality yoga teachers, confident, compassionate and teaching from a place of authenticity and expertise!